Tiberbu User Guide Introduction
This user guide provides directions for access and use of the HIMS system deployed in health facilities in Kenya. It details clinical workflows by a provider using HMIS to facilitate efficient service delivery. HMIS covers various service points including:
Registration, Triage, Out-Patient Department (OPD), In-Patient Department (IPD),
Specialist Clinics and other support services like billing,inventory. The guide also details how a user may retrieve various reports from the system for efficient clinical decision making.
Target Users
This user guide targets all users of HMIS system including but not limited to the following;
Sub- County and county Human Resources for Health (HRH) (including Health Records Information Officers (HRIOs), Medical Superintendents, Doctors, Nurses, Clinical Officers, Pharmacists, Radiologists, Lab technicians).
County staff ICT officers, records officers, cashiers, accountants,
NGOs working in the health industry.
Ministry of Health.
Organization of HIMS User guide
This user guide is organised in four sections below;
Section 1: Overview of the HMIS system,
Section 2: Getting Started on HMIS
Section 3: HMIS modules and their features
Section 4: HMIS reporting.
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