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Billing, Charge Sheets & Consumables Management




Charge Sheets


1.Charge Sheet Creation


A charge sheet is a document used in billing of patients.During creation one would  search for the patient's hospital number then click on the create charge sheet button as shown below.

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The dialog to create the charge sheet as shown would appear with the options as defined:

service/Consumable : The service option would create a charge sheet for services only whilst the services and consumables would have options for both services rendered by the institution and consumables with stocks.

Warehouse : Warehouse is the service point where the consumables are being dispensed from.

Bill Type: This would specify wether patient is inpatient or outpatient .

Section: This would specifyt wether private wing or general institution wing.

Customer : This would specify wether the payment is through self/cash or a scheme plan.

The outlines below illustrate this:



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 The interface below is the charge sheet page with options as defined:

Add Consumable: This option is active when billing a consumable&services charge sheet and would allow for billing of stockable items  when clicked.

Add service: Used to add a service bill.

Cancel Charge Sheet: used to remove a draft and empty charge sheet not yet billed.

Bill Patient: Used to bill the items in the Charge Sheet.



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On clicking The add cosumable or service the dialog appears to select the desired item.

Items can be searched using name criteria or a unique item code.

Upon searching a stock tracker sub section for stockable items is shown as belo used to detect a specific ware house stock levels for the item.


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Upon adding ad item a message would appear and the item is added as below

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The payment method can be changed here as below.




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The Charge sheet can be billed as shown below upon confirming to continue it will be billed successfully.

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Schemes plans  limits and balances can be set based on the patient's plan from the tab schemes illustrated below.


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The fields set in the scheme are as follows:

customer Group: This is the scheme plan set.

Inpatient Limit: This is the maximum Upper limit set on inpatient scheme plan.

Outpatient Limit: This is the maximum Upper limit set on outpatient scheme plan.

Outpatient Balance: This is the current available outpatient balance in the scheme used for dispensing.

Inpatient Balance: This is the current available inpatient balance in the scheme used for dispensing.



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The payments tab with payments receipts  would be as below.

For each service/consumables charge sheet would get equal payment amount allocated as below in the payments breakdown.

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