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49 total results found


Tiberbu HMIS Tutorials - An Implementers Guide

Triage permits users to prioritize patients or cases according to the severity of their medical condition and the urgency of their need for medical care. The system collects vital patient information, including vital signs, concise interviews, and symptom eva...

Table of Contents

Kenya Electronic Medical Records(KenyaE... Preliminaries

Acronyms and Abbreviations

Kenya Electronic Medical Records(KenyaE... Preliminaries

ANC                    Antenatal Clinic CPUs                   County Proximate University CCC                    Comprehensive Care CWC                   Child Welfare Clinic EHR                     Electronic    Health Record EMR                    Elec...

Introduction and Background

Kenya Electronic Medical Records(KenyaE... Preliminaries

About KenyaEMR+ User Guide This user guide provides directions for access and use of KenyaEMR+ system deployed in health facilities in Kenya. It details clinical workflows by a provider using KenyaEMR+ to facilitate efficient service delivery. KenyaEMR+ cov...


Kenya Electronic Medical Records(KenyaE... Getting Started on KenyaEMR+

Sections below detail how to access and log in into KenyaEMR+ Login Screen Features KenyaEMR+ Login screen appears as below. Pay attention to the four key features below; Login address/URL - this is the link you will follow or paste on a web browser...

KenyaEMR+ Workflow

Kenya Electronic Medical Records(KenyaE... Getting Started on KenyaEMR+

Editing user profile

Kenya Electronic Medical Records(KenyaE... Getting Started on KenyaEMR+

Users who have been granted access can edit their own profile and change password by clicking on ‘My Profile’ tab on top right of your screen as shown in the screenshot below; <insert screenshot> Once you click on ‘My Profile’ icon, the screen below will app...


Kenya Electronic Medical Records(KenyaE... KenyaEMR+ Modules and their Features

This module is used to register new patients. It is also used to find details of patients who are already registered in the system. To access this module, click on the “registration” icon on the ‘Home’ page. Registration icon appears as displayed below. Go...

Queue Patient Module

Kenya Electronic Medical Records(KenyaE... KenyaEMR+ Modules and their Features

This module provides more information about the patient including the billing details, specified patient category (Paying, non-paying and special schemes), payment categories. In this module a user is able to: Search for patient Enter patient details...

Triage Module

Kenya Electronic Medical Records(KenyaE... KenyaEMR+ Modules and their Features

This module is used to enter the patient’s vital information at the triage section of the facility It is accessed by clicking the ‘Triage’ icon shown below on the ‘home’ screen. <insert screenshot> Triage Queue Page This page appears when the triage page...

Outpatient Department (OPD) Module

Kenya Electronic Medical Records(KenyaE... KenyaEMR+ Modules and their Features

The Outpatient Department, interfacing with several departments, is where patient management is done. It is accessed by clicking the ‘OPD’ icon shown below on the ‘home’ screen. <insert screenshot> OPD Workflow The diagram below shows the Out-Patient Depa...

Billing Module

Kenya Electronic Medical Records(KenyaE... KenyaEMR+ Modules and their Features

Inventory Module

Kenya Electronic Medical Records(KenyaE... KenyaEMR+ Modules and their Features

Laboratory Module

Kenya Electronic Medical Records(KenyaE... KenyaEMR+ Modules and their Features

Pharmacy Module

Kenya Electronic Medical Records(KenyaE... KenyaEMR+ Modules and their Features

Pharmacy Module

Kenya Electronic Medical Records(KenyaE... KenyaEMR+ Modules and their Features

Procedure Room

Kenya Electronic Medical Records(KenyaE... KenyaEMR+ Modules and their Features


Kenya Electronic Medical Records(KenyaE... KenyaEMR+ Modules and their Features

InPatient Department

Kenya Electronic Medical Records(KenyaE... KenyaEMR+ Modules and their Features

MCH Triage

Kenya Electronic Medical Records(KenyaE... KenyaEMR+ Modules and their Features