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Forms - Design & Implementation


  • To create forms the following are first required
    1. Dictionary Concepts which are the building blocks of the form.
    2. Form formulae: for forms with calculated values from different input fields in the form

How to creat a Dictionary Concept


How to create a form

  1. Navigate to  Front Office > Patient Records Page >  Build a Form
  2.  Each form requires  at least one section: Click Add Section; There are three types of Sections:
    1.  Normal section: A basic section where form components can be added
    2. Toggleable section: A  section where form components can be added  but can be foldable
    3. Table Section:  This is a section that can hold tables
  3. After adding a section  set the section title and subtitle
  4. To add form controls to the section click add control, which opens a sidebar showing a search input field, 
  5. Search for the component you want to add, (these are derived from already created concepts in the system). After the desired field has been found click on the field to add it to the form.
  6. Once all the controls have been added to the form click the Export  button which will display a dialog requesting the creator:
    1.  Department: Select the department the form belongs to and the name of the form.

    2. Title:  The name of the form.
  7. Click save on the dialog which will create the form.

How to update a form

  1. Navigate to Front Office > Patient Records Page >  Form Repository
  2. Search for the desired form by typing the name in the search input box to filter all available forms
  3. Click on the Desired form; a dialog should pop up with two options:
    1. View: Allows the user to  all records saved for the particular form
    2. Edit: Allows  the user to navigate to the window to edit the form
  4. Once the Edit window appears  modify the form as desired  and click update