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Introduction and Background

About KenyaEMR+ User Guide

This user guide provides directions for access and use of KenyaEMR+ system deployed in health facilities in Kenya. It details clinical workflows by a provider using KenyaEMR+ to facilitate efficient service delivery. KenyaEMR+ covers various service points including: registration, triage, Out-Patient Department (OPD), In-Patient Department (IPD), Specialist Clinics and other support services like billing. The guide also details how a user may retrieve various reports from the system for efficient clinical decision making.

Target Users

This user guide targets all users of KenyaEMR+ system including but not limited to the following;

  1. Sub- County and county Human Resources for Health (HRH) (including Health Records Information Officers (HRIOs), Medical Superintendents, Doctors, Nurses, Clinical Officers, Pharmacists, Radiologists, Lab technicians)

  2. County staff ICT officers, records officers, cashiers, accountants

  3. NGOs working in the health industry.

  4. Ministry of Health.

HealthIT Project

The HealthIT is a USAID funded digital health mechanism whose overall purpose is to strengthen national policies, strategies, standards and reporting related to Kenya’s Health Information System (KHIS), so as to ultimately support county and national level health service provision. The main aim is to enhance achievements towards evidence-based decision making at both the national and county levels, through the adoption of HIS policies, standards and guidelines. Ultimately this contributes to the achievement of systems interoperability and best practice.

About Kenya EMR

The HealthIT’s implementation strategy is to work with; Kenya Ministry of Health (MOH),County Governments, County Proximate Universities (CPU), Service Delivery Implementing Partners (SDIP) and Digital Health and Strategic Information Partners to deploy, expand, enhance and implement electronic health records with Kenya EMR as the core clinical service module to provide a facility- wide electronic system.

KenyaEMR+is a tailored distribution of OpenMRS that follows the principles of digital development:

  1. It is designed with the patient at the center of development

  2. Understanding that in the current Kenyan healthcare Ecosystem there are several EHR systems, KenyaEMR+ has implemented data exchange and interoperability standards to allow for interoperability.

  3. The system is modular, allowing for scalability

  4. KenyaEMR+is based on OpenMRS which an open-source software

  5. With OpenMRS being open source, it allows for continuous improvement

KenyaEMR+ platform is a patient centric electronic health record tool that is flexible, interoperable and scalable. It supports facility-wide functions of: clinical management, data management, clinical decision support reporting, lab information system, and inventory, billing and system management.

KenyaEMR+ System Overview

The KenyaEMR+ has 21 modules which facilitate service delivery in a health facility. The functionality of each module is described briefly in the table below. Respective icons for each of the modules as appears on KenyaEMR+ are also displayed.



Module Icon



This module is used to register new patients. It is also used to find details of patients who had already been registered in the system


Queue Patient

This module provides more information about the patient including the billing details, specified patient category (Paying, non-paying and special schemes), payment categories and room to visit.



This module is used to enter the patient’s vital information at the triage section of the facility


Out-Patient Department


The Outpatient Department, interfacing with several departments. This is the primary point of communication/care among the patient and the medical professionals/clinicians.



This module enables the patients to make various payments to different bills that are being charged on various services that are offered within the facility through the system.



The inventory module is used to manage Drugs and Other non-pharmaceutical items like syringes and bandages.



This module is used for drugs management and dispensation.



This is where all investigations/tests are done and results posted



This department deals with imaging requests


Procedure Room

This module deals with carrying out procedures ordered by the doctor or clinician.nIt also gives a summary of patients who are due for procedures and who have already had procedures on a given number of days.


In-Patient Department


This module takes care of patients in the wards. You can manage the wards, update patient vitals, prescribe drugs and request for investigations.


MCH Triage

This module is used to enter the patient’s vital information at the triage section of the MCH


MCH Clinic

This is the module that holds all the MCH clients e.g. ANC / PNC / CWC and FP once they are sent from the MCH Triage 


Delivery Room

This module is part of the MCH module and takes care of Mothers with their newborns


MCH Stores

This module works like the inventory module and manages the items used in the MCH departments.


PAC Room

The Post Abortion Care (PAC) Room module is used in Post abortion care



This module is used to manage cancer patients. 



This module is used at the morgue section of the hospital


This gives summaries in revenue collected from patients and clients on a given day or days per department.


This module enables a user to generate various report including MOH indicator forms as well as other module specific reports

Authorized use of the system

Access to the system is based on user access rights. One must have a username and password to access the system. Users of the system have different privileges based on their roles in the system.

Organization of KenyaEMR+ User guide

This user guide is organized in four sections below;

Chapter 1: Introduction and Background,

Chapter 2: Getting Started on KenyaEMR+

Chapter  3: KenyaEMR+ modules and their features 

Chapter 4: KenyaEMR+ reporting.